about me

Working on “Woodworker”, (self portrait) in my studio. I am using the Grisaille technique of doing a complete
underpainting in gray, and glazing colours in layers.

Scott Hamilton
bits about me:

Why artboy68? Because Scott Hamilton was already taken.
I am a realist but not a traditionalist.
I consider myself a self-taught artist.
I was born in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada in 1968.
I currently reside in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, BC; the most beautiful place in the world.
I discovered my love for realism at age 9.
I have a piece of art in the permanent collection of Oslo’s International Museum Of Children’s Art.
I went to art school (Emily Carr U) for one year in 1986-87, and intended to return to major in photography.
I haven’t gone back (yet).
My very early art influences included the renaissance painters, specifically the delicate work of the Flemish and Dutch painters Vermeer and Van
Eyck, and the chiaroscuro techniques often employed in this era. I also held a fascination with the work of modernists Vasily Kandinski and Paul
Klee, and the emergence of conceptual imagery in the early 20th century. Realists I revered include Alex Colville and Andrew Wyeth, and when I
discovered Chuck Close I was embraced with an entirely new revelation. Current swells: there are so many amazing artists to follow today- on my list
of realists right now are, (plus many more): Michael DeBrito, Alyssa Monks, Simon Birch, Sandra Flood, Heather Horton, Jeremy Mann, Mark Bush,
Jochen Hein…
I have a wife and 4 kids and love and adore them very much.
Starting in 2011, I began putting feet to the long term plan of becoming a full time artist.
In February 2012 I completed my project 100 Portraits In 20 Weeks.


Thanks for coming, feel free to say hello with a comment!


7 thoughts on “about me

  1. clinock says:

    Wow Scott we are virtually neighbors. I’m in Vancouver now but went to art school and university in Victoria – spent many happy years on the Island and hope to be able to return there someday. I hear great things about Comox and surrounds – sounds like it’s your paradise – cheers, John

  2. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    I write poetry. Do you read poetry? 🙂

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