Hello, Sue Brown. You’re portrait 100.

Sue Brown, 15 1/4" x 15 1/4", acrylic on cradled wood panel

Sue says:

“I coach. I write. I draw. I help people bring more creativity, meaning and balance into their lives and work. My clients want to be more creative: either for their own enjoyment, to think differently in their organisations, or as a career change. I work with individuals and groups.

Check out my website for more information and you can follow me on www.twitter.com/idcoachuk” 

They say the proof is in the pudding. Here’s the pudding:




I appreciate your talent, Sue. This one’s for you!

And this concludes my project. I have learned a few things during the process:

Relatively, 100 is a lot. I mean, 100 pennies is not a lot- but for me, 100 portraits is a lot.

I was able to accomplish a goal, on time.

Giving is a great way of getting.

Profile pictures usually portray the owner’s true personality. (Interesting!) For interest: http://healthland.time.com/2009/12/03/the-psychology-of-facebook-profiles/

Even though I got a bit tired half way through, I looked forward to doing each drawing.

I only threw one portrait in the trash. I learned to push through the doubt.

Doing a public blog challenge really is a great way to stay accountable, share, and get work done!

Time in:

I spent approximately 300 hours on this project, including prep time, drawing, researching and posting. (I also work full time.)

What now?

I will continue making art and posting it here, just not at the same pace. You might see something a bit different…

I am open to taking portrait commissions, all sizes. I will have a web site up shortly; until then, I can be reached at artboy68@live.ca.

Thank you for following along and all of your awesome comments. I will now have more time for reading others’ blogs!



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51 thoughts on “Hello, Sue Brown. You’re portrait 100.

  1. Samar says:

    Super!, looked like a photo at first!. Congratulations on the 100th. 🙂

  2. High River Arts says:

    Wow, I too thought it was a photo at first. Congratulations on completing your project!

  3. Yea!!! Congratulations on a job very well done. Great #100! Take a breath, but I trust you will find your way into all sorts of wonderful works… Here’s to new projects!

  4. Well done! A fantastic achievement. You kept us all entertained, enlightened, amazed, enriched – what will we do now?! Thank you.

  5. Jasmine says:

    Wow! I’m sure you’re relieved, but I can’t believe it’s over! (Or at least, that this part of it is over) You went out with a bang -great final portrait, it really ‘pops’. I like the article on facebook profiles… interesting that our true selves tend to prevail even when we are given the opportunity for something potentially better. To be your most honest self is to be your best self.

    Congratulations on a very successful project!

    • artboy68 says:

      Thanks Jasmine. I felt as I went along that this project was almost becoming a ‘social experiment’, and a topic I might explore more deeply. I think I’ll be a little less “desserts spelled backwards” now,… so yes, a bit relieved. Cheers!

  6. Arlene says:

    I look forward to seeing what comes next!

  7. Sue Brown says:

    Wow! Thank you so much, Scott – I’m absolutely gobsmacked (and finding it a bit strange to see my profile pic so LARGE …). I guess you’re allowed to take the rest of the day off now …

    What a fabulous project, and can’t wait to see what amazing challenge you set yourself next.


  8. Kevin says:

    Congratulations!!! It was a real pleasure to follow your progress on this project. Thank you! Looking forward to following your future work. All the best, Kevin.

  9. occultoantonio says:

    Congrats, my friend.

  10. Portrait « says:

    […] A few moments ago, I learnt via Twitter that my name had been picked. You can see the result and read more about the project over on Scott’s blog. […]

  11. hellenjc says:

    I am so pleased for you that you manage to complete on time and this is simply gorgeous…lovely skin tone and gorgeous hair… You’re a star!!

  12. Nice work! Im excited to see what you continue to produce 🙂 X Bec

  13. Barbara says:

    What an accomplishment! WOOT WOOT, seems as if you only just started this project! I’m sure I can speak for everyone when I say that we look forward to your upcoming posts! Enjoy some much deserved time off!!!

  14. drawandshoot says:

    Congratulations Scott, that is a wonderful portrait!
    Can’t wait to see what’s next!

  15. SaptarshiC says:

    Congratulations on getting it done.

    That’s one hell of a portrait you got there. That almost looks like a photo.

  16. madisoncary says:

    this. is. fantastic! congrats on accomplishing your goal and inspiring all of us to keep creating! i look forward to what you do next!

  17. Ines says:

    Congratulations! I’m looking forward to seeing your website, until then I will stay tuned here 🙂

  18. Jane Thorne says:

    Well done Scott, this was a great series to follow and you achieved your beautiful colourful goal 😀

  19. eof737 says:

    Congratulations and kudos for a phenomenal project and accomplishment! Thank you for generously sharing your gifts with us. 🙂

  20. Team Oyeniyi says:

    Well done! I must go back and look from the start, but I need to find some quiet time to do so! I’ve been promised it is my turn next wee for a kid-free few hours!

  21. Melissa says:

    You really “got” Sue! Good job.

  22. Congratulations Artboy!!! What a great project & the fact that you pushed through & finished it… Awesome!!! Stunning portrait!! Looking forward to what lies ahead for you!!! Good luck & keep well!!! 🙂 **

  23. Beautiful portrait! Love the colors!

    And of course, congratulations on finishing this project. 🙂

  24. Very well done, Scott. A feat indeed.
    All the best,

  25. kieu says:

    Congrats! You did an amazing job on all of them.

  26. Emily He says:

    SHE IS RADIANT! THIS IS FANTASTIC! I can’t get my eyes off of her electric blue eyes! (And I love her art as well..) Congrats on completing the project. You and your family must be so proud 🙂

  27. jane tims says:

    Congrads on finishing your project! You made a lot of people happy and I looked forward to seeing every portrait. Looking forward to more of your work. Jane

  28. seagurl913 says:

    Wow. just wow 🙂 Congratulations!

  29. angriestpear says:

    Congrats on finishing! I really enjoyed seeing your progress with this. You’re an amazing artist.

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